/BCO-DMO/ESAS_Water_Column_Methane/water_column_samples --date eq 2011/09/17-- Level 1

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#  Water Column Data
#  S. Joye and V. Samarkin, PIs
#  Version 4 October 2016
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
12       72.5671    158.501    2011/09/17   23         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
23            2.2          nd     28.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     8      0.202   
21            2.2          8      28.8      472    23.7   103    7      7      0.4                     Below_detection_limit   0.1                     1.5    0.1                     1.4  15.8   7.4    0.061   
15            2.2          nd     28.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.7    nd      
10            2.2          8.2    28.8      465    23.3   100    6      6      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.1                     1.6    0.2                     1.4  15.7   7.6    0.057   
6             2.2          nd     28.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.8    nd      
3             2.2          nd     28.8      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     7.5    0.051   
3             2.2          8.1    28.8      471    23.7   98     8      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   1.1                     1.5    0.1                     1.4  15.6   7.2    nd      
station  lat        lon        date         depth_max  
13       72.9666    153.5667   2011/09/17   28         
depth_sample  temperature  pH     salinity  Cl     SO4    DOC    TDN    DON    Nox                     NO2                     NH4                     TDP    DOP                     PO4  Si     CH4    MOX     
28            -0.8         nd     27.1      nd     nd     nd     nd     nd     nd                      nd                      nd                      nd     nd                      nd   nd     23.3   0.095   
26            -0.8         7.4    27.1      442    22.1   126    11     7      2.6                     0.1                     1.3                     1.8    Below_detection_limit   1.9  36.8   30.7   0.092   
20            -0.9         7.6    26.6      437    21.9   130    10     7      2                       0.1                     1.4                     3.8    2                       1.9  33.1   31.2   0.069   
15            1.6          7.9    24.6      390    19.5   138    9      8      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   1.2                     1.5    Below_detection_limit   1.5  20.9   33.3   0.072   
13            1            8      23.4      366    18.3   141    8      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   1.3                     1.6    0.3                     1.2  17.8   17.7   0.034   
10            0.4          7.9    21.8      351    17.4   144    8      7      Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   0.1                     1.2    Below_detection_limit   1.2  16.4   24.1   0.011   
4             0.5          7.9    20.3      329    16.3   153    7      nd     Below_detection_limit   Below_detection_limit   nd                      1.2    0.1                     1    16.2   12     0.004